Dr Melanie Lau
Patient data: 65 y/o Female
Presentation: New right posterior chest pain
Rib fractures
NF1 with lateral thoracic meningocoeles
Commentary: Dumbbell shaped lesions in T spine on the left at T 8,9,10 which are fluid density (HU 18). None of these regions enhance.
Incidental pulmonary hypertension (PHTN) - likely from severe emphysema. No basal interstitial lung disease, appearance follows classic distribution of emphysema rather than cystic lung disease of NF 1.
Right heart enlargement from PHTN (extends below the left ventricle).
Right chest pain likely from new fractures (not seen previously)
Don't miss the left breast lesion - was present on previous a few months prior but cannot exclude a neoplasm.
No skin lesions or other signs of NF 1 are seen.